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Drawing Competition

The Castle Peak Road between Kwun Tsing Road and Hoi Wing Road widening projected commenced in late 2020. The scope of the Project involves widening of about 1.9 km long Castle Peak Road from Kwun Tsing Road  to Hoi Wing Road, provision of noise mitigation measures, modification of an existing footbridge near Sam Shing Estate and construction of associated lifts.
The purpose of this project is to improve the traffic conditions of this road section, provide additional traffic capacity to tie in with the development of Tuen Mun East and cope with the growth in future  traffic flow on Castle Peak Road; and to enhance road safety by improving the road junctions.

In order to promote the "Widening of Castle Peak Road between Kwun Tsing Road and Hoi Wing Road" to the public and to connect with the community, our project team organized this drawing competition and invited primary school students in the district to use their creativity to draw the future Castle Peak Road. The winner of the competition will have the opportunity to be a souvenirs of " Widening of Castle Peak Road between Kwun Tsing Road and Hoi Wing Road ".









 - 參賽學生須於主辦單位提供的畫紙,並在畫紙繪畫作品。

 - 參賽學生可使用之繪畫工具和顏料種類不限,但不可以使用電腦軟件填色。

 - 參賽學生可將填妥的參賽表格及完成作品透過以下其中一種途徑交回:





如有查詢,請電郵至enquiry@cprcpb.hk或致電6213 6108。


1. 本次比賽開放予小學一年級至小學六年級學生參加。

2. 每位參加者只可以遞交一份參賽作品。遞交多份作品的參加者會被取消參賽資格。

3. 主辦單位有權拒絕接受不恰當、與比賽主題無關或格式錯誤的參賽作品。

4. 參賽作品必須為原創及不會侵犯第三者的權利 (包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。


1. 所有參賽者所提供的個人資料只供是次比賽之用。

2. 個人資料絕對保密,並會在於比賽後銷。

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