合約編號 HY/2020/07
合约编号 HY/2020/07
Contract No.:HY/2020/07
Widening of Castle Peak Road
between Kwun Tsing Road and
Hoi Wing Road
28th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
Our project always commits to promote excellent good site safety practices and innovative safety training. We participated Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme during “Construction Safety Week 2022” (CSW 2022) jointly organized by the Development Bureau (DEVB) and the Construction Industry Council (CIC). To commend the effort from our project team, DEVB and CIC awarded the Bronze Award on both Considerate Contractors Site Award and Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Award and the Merit Award on Innovation Awards for Safety and Environmental Excellence under the category of Public Works – New Works.
Our project was also selected by DEVB and CIC as one of the sites in Site Visit event during CSW 2022. This event can allow our project team to show and promote good site safety practices and innovative safety training to industry practitioners. The event was divided into two parts: engineering sharing and site visit. During engineering sharing, our project team introduced the use of “Modular Integrated Construction” (MiC) construction method for construction of lift, which is a pioneer in Hong Kong construction industry for similar nature of works. Such construction methods and technologies enhance construction safety performance and productivity. During the site visit, the visitors highly praised the MiC method of lift construction.